FBI Agent Combs And Fire Chief Schwartz Manipulated 911 Pentagon Firemen...
FBI Agent Combs And Fire Chief Schwartz Manipulated 911 Pentagon Firemen FBI Agent Combs And Fire Chief Schwartz Manipulated 911 Pentagon Firemen Inspector Generals, Defense Intelligence Agency, NTSB, FAA, my elected officials and others: Contradictory information contained in the 911 Commission Report (link), the Arlington County After-Action Report (link) and National News data reveal that the FBI and Arlington County Fire Department deliberately managed the Pentagon fire over a three-day period for purposes that include the murder of innocent bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts working to track down the missing 2.3 Trillion dollars. I call for the immediate arrest of FBI Special Agent Christopher Combs and Arlington County Fire Chief Plaugher-appointed ACFD Incident Commander Chief James Schwartz who together orchestrated multiple false alarms, to then order multiple Pentagon evacuations, for the manipulation of the Pentagon fire and firemen for sixty...
An awfully large number of top financial CEO’s were not in their World Trade Center offices 9/11 morning. Would you be surprised to learn that some of the very same same people who were at the center of the massive frauds that have tanked the US economy… Would also be key persons of interest in a true 9/11 investigation? And that when studied comprehensively the two operations give the appearance of being interlinked? Mind boggling research put together beautifully and all backed up by public access documentation. Black 9 11 Money, Motive, Technology, and Plausible...
read moreThe Grand Jury Belongs to The People–Antonin Scalia (1992)...
United States v. Williams, 112 S.Ct. 1735, 504 U.S. 36, 118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992) http://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/504/36 NEW YORK IS “GROUND ZERO” – Major grassroots movement in 48 States, Constituting Common Law Grand Juries. In a stunning six to three, 1992 Decision that went unnoticed, until now, Justice Antonin Scalia writing for the majority said: In the Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, 112 S.Ct. 1735, 504 U.S. 36, 118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992), Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government “governed” and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights, the acts...
read moreThe Case Against Rudy Giuliani, et. al....
Breaking news (fake or not?) http://archive.is/IDBh5 Rudy Giuliani Twitter post re: pedofile network and 9-11 lies. We applaud the courage it takes to confess and be penitent. Rudy Giuliani would be a fine lead in the team to drain the swamp–if his Twitter statements (above link) are real. God protect so that his work in making amends is accomplished. We support this version of Rudy Giuliani. http://justicefor911.org/Part_I_Complaint_111904.php http://justicefor911.org/Part_II_Evidence_111904.php http://justicefor911.org/Part_III_Petition_111904.php The above three links first published in 2004 are perhaps the earliest efforts to bring the criminal matters of 9-11-01, peacefully, into court and legal proceedings. “… the way that buildings usually collapse …” All,Below is a copy of a fax I just sent to the office of US Attorney for the District of Massachusetts Carmen Ortiz,...
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